Common Collisions in Construction Zones

September 2024

Construction zones present a set of unique hazards that often lead to specific types of collisions.  A rear-end collision is frequently seen in a construction zone.  Rear-end collisions typically occur due to the unexpected or slowing of moving traffic in a construction zone that catches a driver off guard.  The changes in traffic flow in the construction zone can lead to rear-end collisions when the driver is distracted.

Side-swipe collisions are also common in construction zones especially where the lanes are narrow or shift.  These collisions often result from a driver attempting to navigate with reduced lane space, improper or aggressive merging or confusion as to where the lane markings should be located.

While less common than the previous two types of collisions, head-on collsions can occur in construction zones.  This is typically caused by poor signage that leads to driver confusion, attempts at illegal passing in the construction zone and fatigued driving causing lane departures.

Further, collisions can occur with construction equipment.  These can happen when construction vehicles enter or exit the work zone, when a driver fails to give sufficient space to the equipment or inadequte warnings about the equipment's presence.

If you have been injured in a construction zone, take the time to find experienced trial counsel.  At Herrick & Hart, we have been on the side of the injured since 1951.  We offer a contingency fee on personal injury cases.

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