Recent Blog Posts
Identify the Dog and its Owner
When bitten by a dog, the first thing a person should do is seek appropriate medical treatment. After they are sure the bite is properly cared for the next step is to identify the dog and its owner. At first glance, this may seem like it will be an easy task. However, in many situations this gets complicated very quickly. After a dog bites, many individuals will begin to deny ownership of the dog or to shift blame onto another once an injury occurs. The task of…
Why are Some Dogs More Aggressive?
Dog Bites are a complex societal problem that does not a have a quick fix. A dog bite can be considered a common occurrence. There are many reasons a dog may be aggressive and bite. The clearest reasons would be the dog is in danger or feels it needs to defend itself. Other reasons for a dog to be aggressive are the dog may be ill, or is showing possessive traits, is showing dominance or is frustrated. Owners may also assist in the dog's aggression by poor…
Dog Bite Scars Impact the Wellbeing of the Person Bit
Nearly all dog bites will leave some type of residual scar. The scars that are left are seldom uniform but have jagged edges and irregular shape. This makes dog bite scars more noticeable than other types of scars. Scars that remain on the face of the person bit are the most traumatic and noticeable by others.
A scar remains as a visual reminder of the dog bite. Common psychological effects that come with a dog bite scar include low-self esteem, anxiety, and…
Dog Bite Emergencies
A dog bite can be a tragic event. After a dog bite, the injured person wonders what steps should be taken immediately. Here are some things to keep in mind: get proof of the rabies vaccine for the biting dog, clean the bite with soap and water, and if the bite is is severe seek immediate medical attention. If the owner of the dog is unable to verify that the dog is up to date on the rabies…
My Child was Bitten by a Dog
Every parent of a young child confronts at some point a dog who is threatening to the child. Most of these incidents end without harm. Some, on the other hand, end tragically with life threatening injuries and scars. As a society, we have made a choice to allow dogs to live with us. They are traditionally known as "man's best friend." With that choice that society has made, homeowner's policies typically insure against a dog bite. Sadly, many of the victims…
Double Damages for Wisconsin Dog Bites
Dogs are often known as man's best friend. Howerver, many people each year are the victims of dog bites. In Wisconsin, liability for dog bites is governed by statute. Wisconsin is a strict liability state for the purpose of dog bite liability. The injuries from dog bites are often severe and many times result in nerve damage or scarring.
An owner of a dog who is on notice that the dog has previously bitten someone can be liable for double damages. This…
Pit Bulls and Toddlers Don't Mix
A 2016 article in the Journal of Clinical Pediatrics confirms what child advocates have long stated that pit bulls and toddlers do not mix. The article states that a bite from a pit bull is 3 times more likely to require an operative intervention as compared to another breed. Pit bulls were also 2.5 times more likely to bite in multiple areas of the body as compared to other breeds. Pit…